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affiche Cristal pop, le bal poétique et populaire

Cristal pop, le bal poétique et populaire

(Cristal Pop, The Public and Poetic Dance)


creation 2017

Directed by Olivier Couder

Le Théâtre du Cristal could not pass up the opportunity to get involved in this local, recreational movement, with an added dimension of social diversity. The singers here have a disability that can be heard in their voice.


Cristal Pop is the continuation of a particularly faithful and fertile artistic collaboration between Pierre-Jules Billon and Olivier Couder. Indeed, this is the fourth show they have worked on together. After the very memorable Dernier Cri, then Lointain Intérieur on Henri Michaux’s plays, and the recent Cabarat des frissons garantis, these partners in crime are back again, ready to get the crowd moving. This show builds on the experience of the Pop that has livened up countless balls for several years, as a duo (accordion, drums) or a quintet with the Grand Pop (drums, accordion, double bass, guitar, and voice). This know-how and solid musical base is complemented by Cristal’s zaniness — its distance and strangeness, that suit festive occasions so well.


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Creation, 2017

Directed by Olivier Couder
With the assistance of Natacha Mircovich
Artistic collaboration from Pierre-Jules Billon
Set and costumes by Philipe Varache, for TABARMUKK

Featuring :  Angélique Bridoux, Vincent Chalambert, Anthony Colard, Olivier Couder, Marie Colin, Yoram Gué, Stéphane Guérin, Clément Langlais, Stiva Michaut Paterno, Frédéric Payen, Nadia Sadji

Le Grand Pop : Pierre-Jules Billon, Clément Robin, Bénédicte Attali, Laurent Miqueu, Simon Teboul


partners & patrons


Logo du Conseil départemental du Val d'Oise Logo de la ville de ParisLogo de H.A.A.R.P - Handicap Autisme Association Réunie du ParisisLogo de la Fondation Philippe SibieudeLogo d'Entreprendre pour aider