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affiche les missions d’un mendiant

les missions d’un mendiant



creation 2015

Directed by Richard Leteurtre and Olivier Couder

These four short plays, dealing with the themes of family, exclusion, and disability, read as a lyric poem.

Following on from Beckett, Keene revives the short play, a genre uncommon in theatre. The play’s sparse style, rife with allusions and pushing us to read between the lines, brings the writing a sort of intense glow.

A magnificent play cosigned by Olivier Couder and Richard Leteurtre.

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photos © Anne Gayan 


Comprising four texts by Daniel Keene : A Three Legged Stool / I say I (directed by Richard Leteurtre) and To Whom It May Concern / The Visit (directed by Olivier Couder)

Translated by Séverine Magois
Assistant director :      Natacha Mircovich

Featuring : Stéphane Guérin, Peter Bonke, Olivier Couder, Coralie Moreau, Anna Peneveyre, Thomas Caspar, Gabriel Xerri.

Set :                  Jean-Pierre Schneider
Soundtrack :   Dominique Massa
Lighting :         Marie Hélène Pinon


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